The Seaport event happened at the end of September and it takes over the entire pier! Families and school groups, Girl Scout troupes and College Fraternities join together after raising funds and donating time to support people with autism. There are also a bunch of booths with organizations that support everything from supportive therapy for people on the spectrum to educational foundations and schools.
Of course Autism Speaks has their own tents with resources and additional booths with healthy snacks and water for all those in attendance.
I arrived early to run through the layout and register at the volunteer tent. After I got my button I headed up to registration area to get my Blue Pompom to shake as all of these events are sensory friendly. Now it was time to turn on the bubbles! I have found in the last year or two that the best prop to work with at this and many other events is a very productive bubble wand-machine.
The majority of my time at the walk is spent walking around with a stream of bubbles flying from the wand and dancing with the kids and encouraging the families to have a great walk and thank them for "joining the walk today"
Then onto the Staten Island Walk at SUNY Staten Island University. This event has a very different vibe. Its much smaller and quite intimate, but just as exciting and all the families who come to walk for their friends or family on the Spectrum are there with lots of energy and support.
My performance is about the same with the bubbles and some physical comedy interacting with the people, getting laughs and smiles all around.
I know that the events go on no matter what and I feel honored that they allow me to contribute my time and talent to add to the event with laughs and smiles, hugs and dancing, and I really do look forward to this every year!
Be Well, and Keep 'em clean